what are the stores advertising? The stores announce an opening or inauguration for this reason they place offers and lower the prices of their products.
Can you identify adjectives that appear in advertisements? Make a list with them * Opening * Half-price * Day * Latest * cheap * bargains * Special student: Rosa Esther Capuñay Reluz 4"A"
-What are the stores advertising? The stores are announcing their opening day, in which they will make offers and offer low prices -Can you identify adjectives that appear in advertisements? Make a list with them. 1.Cheap 2.Special 3.Latest 4.Cheapest 5.New 6.Old
Look at the advertisement and answer these questions. A.- What are the stores advertising? The advertisements of the stores , announces the day of opening of their businesses, with offers and half price their products.
B.- Can you identify adjectives that appear in advertisements? Make a list with them. 1.- New. 2.- Old. 3.- Special. 4.- Cheap 5.- Lastest Student: Patazca Leyton Rosa Alexandra.5``B´´
Watch the ad and answer these questions. A-What are the stores advertising? What I see in the commercials of the stores, is about opening their businesses, the deals that are half the price of what it costs. B-Can you identify the adjectives that appear in the ads? Make a list with them. *old *new *cheaped *load Student:Eneque Gamarra Anai 5to-B
Watch the ad and answer these questions. A.- What are the stores advertising? In the stores they announce the offers of their products that they will make at their opening.
B-Can you identify the adjectives that appear in the ads? Make a list with them. - Old - Lastest - New - Special Guiman Liza Lizeth 5° "A"
¿Qué son la publicidad de tienda? Es cuando desea informar sobre lo que está tratando su negocio y para dar a conocer sus ofertas ¿Puedes identificar los adjetivos que aparecen en los anuncios? Has una lista de ellos -especial -barato -nuevo -Último Agapito Caicedo jorge Jesus 5B
¿Qué anuncian las tiendas? Están anunciando sus productos a la venta y su inaguración. ¿Puedes identificar los adjetivos en los anuncios? Barato Nuevo Especial Antiguo Sergio Carrasco Velasquez 5"A"
* What are the stores advertising? They announce different offers on special days, like a store opening. * Can you identify adjectives that appear in advertisements? Make a list with them Old. New. Lastest. Special. Cheap. Iván Gonzales Farro 5to "B"
Look at the ad and answer these questions. ♦ .- What are advertisements in stores? Store announcements announce the opening day of their businesses, with offers. ♦ .- Can you identify the adjectives that appear in the ads? Make a list with them. -old -cheap -more recent -new
1- What are store advertising? -In stores, they announce the opening day of their business, mentioning offers and decreasing the price of their products. 2- Can you identify the Adjectives that appear in the ads? Make a list with them. -Inauguration -New -Old -Special -Cheap -Lastest Neciosup Incio Aracely 5 “B”
1. What are they Store advertsing? They advertise their own products and the discounts they will give in their stores. 2. Can You identify abjectives that appear un advertisments? New Old Last
Look at the advertisement and answer these questions A. What are the stores advertising? In the ads, we see how they imply the opening of a store, offers are offered for it.
B. Can you identify adjectives that appear in advertisements? -more recent -Special -new -old -cheap
4"C" MARJHORIE ODALIS LIZA SANCHEZ -¿what are the stores advertising? They are the ones that highlight the qualities of your product and that is the motivation of the consumer's purchase. 2.-Can you identify the adjectives that appear in the ads? Make a list with them. - Special. - New. - Old. - Cheap - opening day - desings
1. What are the stores advertising? - The opening of a store offering low-priced products is announced. 2. Can you identify the adjectives that appear in the ads? Make a list with them. - New - Old - Cheapest - Half price - Special
A) What are the stores advertising?. The stores are announcing their opening, in which they offer offers and discounts on their products. B ) Can you identify adjectives that appear in advertisements?. new. old. special. opening. design. prices. Student:Gonzales Isique Nicole Alexandra,5"B".
What do they advertise in stores? -Selling books at inaugurations -The sale of all basketball equipment at half price -The cheapest designs for 24 hours of opening
Can you identify the adjectives that appear in advertisements? Make a list with them. -New -Old -Cheap -Special -Latest
4 "C" Felix Paz Cumpa A. What are the stores asvertising? They are announcing their inauguration and promotions of their products to motivate the buyer to purchase them. B. Can you identify adjectives that appear in advertisements? Make a list with them. -New -Old -Special -Cheap
5D Chafloque Lluén Fabricio ¿What do the stores advertise? They are announcing their inauguration through announcements Adjectives: -new -old -special -leatest -cheapest
Daniel Flores Rojas 4A What do the stores advertise? Stores advertise their business opening, including great deals for their customers. They are using good marketing.
Can you identify adjectives that appear in advertisements? Make a list with them half price special cheap New
-What are the shops announcing? The stores advertise openings,offers of the different products they offer. -can you identify the adjectives that appear in the ads? make a list with them. *New *Special *Half price *Old *lastest ALUMNA: ANA SOFIA CAPUÑAY ALAMO 4"A"
A. What are the stores advertising? The opening is announced, with economic prices. B. Can you identify adjectives that appear in advertisements? Make a list with them. New Old Special Cheap Latest
Look at the advertisement and answer these questions
A. What are the stores advertising? Announce openings, discounts, low prices and inauguration
B. Can you identify adjectives that appear in advertisements? Make a list with them. Opening today Special Opening day bargains Tiago Adriano Aquino Arevalo 4B
A. What are the stores advertising? Announce openings, discounts, low prices and inauguration B:Can you identify the Adjectives that appear in the ads? Make a list with them. -Inauguration -New -Old -Special -Cheap -Lastest LUIS DAVID HUAMANCHUMO UCEDA 4"A
4"C" GABRIELA GONZALES UCEDA A. What are the stores asvertising? They are advertising their products to motivate the buyer. B. Can you identify adjectives that appear in advertisements? Make a list with them. *old *new *Special *Cheap *ancient *Lastest
4 "C" Enzo Llontop Guzman A. What do the stores advertise? They announce the inauguration and new promotions of their products to persuade people to buy them. B. Can you identify the adjectives that appear in the ads? Make a list with them. -New -Old -Special -Cheap -Ancient
A.What áre the atores advertising? The áre announicing their opening day in whinch they whinch they make day happy. B.Can you identify adjetives that appear in advertisent?Make listwith them. Old Happy. Cheap. Latest. Wew Alumno Luis Kevin Gonzales Ballena 4toA
4° C Briggitte Gonzales Chavesta What are store advertising? They are the ones that highlight the qualities of your product and that is the consumer's purchase motivation. 2.-Can you identify the adjectives that appear in the ads? Make a list with them. - Look at the price - Design. - The cheapest - Cheap - opening day - New - Old
-What are the shops announcing? The stores advertise openings,offers of the different products they offer. -can you identify the adjectives that appear in the ads? make a list with them. *New *Special *Half price *Old *lastest Threysi Garnique Uceda 4°B
A. Advertising is the action of drawing public attention to a product or service. The way to do this is through advertisements, which can appear in all types of media and supports (newspapers, street advertising, television, internet, radio, etc).
B. - Cheap - Special - Latest - Cheapest - New - Old 4"A" Xiomara Gonzales Custodio
A. What are the stores advertising? They are announcing their inauguration and promotions of their products to get the attention of their buyers B. Can you identify the adjectives that appear in the ads? Make a list with them. -New -Old -Special -Cheap
What are the shops announcing? They are for customers to have knowledge about the product so they can buy it Can you identify the adjectives in the ads?
What are the shops announcing? They are for customers to have knowledge about the product so they can buy it Can you identify the adjectives in the ads?
Old Special Lastest New cheap Happy Karenia Gonzales Huamán 4A
Luz Salazar Saucedo 4" C" What do the stores advertise? Stores advertise their business opening, including great deals for their customers. They are using good marketing.
Can you identify adjectives that appear in advertisements? Make a list with them half price special cheap New
what are the stores advertising?
ResponderBorrarThe stores announce an opening or inauguration for this reason they place offers and lower the prices of their products.
Can you identify adjectives that appear in advertisements? Make a list with them
* Opening
* Half-price
* Day
* Latest
* cheap
* bargains
* Special
student: Rosa Esther Capuñay Reluz 4"A"
Thank you Rosa for your comment. see you on zoom.
Borrar+what are the stores advertising?
ResponderBorrarAppearance and offers are announced for the opening day
Can you identify adjectives that appear in advertisements? Make a list with them
-half price
-cheap prices
custodio morales yolanda 5c
-What are the stores advertising?
ResponderBorrarThe stores are announcing their opening day, in which they will make offers and offer low prices
-Can you identify adjectives that appear in advertisements? Make a list with them.
Diego Gonzalez Corrales 5° "C"
-What are the stores advertising?
ResponderBorrarThey are announcing the sale prices that they will offer for their opening
-Can you identify the adjectives that appear in the ads? Make a list with them.
Reny Garnique Gonzales 5° "C"
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderBorrarLook at the advertisement and answer these questions.
ResponderBorrarA.- What are the stores advertising?
The advertisements of the stores , announces the day of opening of their businesses, with offers and half price their products.
B.- Can you identify adjectives that appear in advertisements? Make a list with them.
1.- New.
2.- Old.
3.- Special.
4.- Cheap
5.- Lastest
Student: Patazca Leyton Rosa Alexandra.5``B´´
1.- What are store advertising?
ResponderBorrarannounces the opening day of your business with offers of your products.
2.- Can you identify the adjectives that appear in the ads? Make a list with them.
Yordanky Chumioque Llontop 5 "A"
Watch the ad and answer these questions.
ResponderBorrarA-What are the stores advertising?
What I see in the commercials of the stores, is about opening their businesses, the deals that are half the price of what it costs.
B-Can you identify the adjectives that appear in the ads? Make a list with them.
Student:Eneque Gamarra Anai 5to-B
Watch the ad and answer these questions.
ResponderBorrarA.- What are the stores advertising?
In the stores they announce the offers of their products that they
will make at their opening.
B-Can you identify the adjectives that appear in the ads? Make a list with them.
- Old
- Lastest
- New
- Special
Guiman Liza Lizeth 5° "A"
1.-What are the stores advertising?
ResponderBorrarThey are promoting their opening of their business, their products with offers
2.-Can you identify the adjectives that appear in the ads? Make a list with them.
Galan Guzman Jose Valentin 5B
¿Qué son la publicidad de tienda?
ResponderBorrarEs cuando desea informar sobre lo que está tratando su negocio y para dar a conocer sus ofertas
¿Puedes identificar los adjetivos que aparecen en los anuncios? Has una lista de ellos
Agapito Caicedo jorge Jesus 5B
☆ What do the stores advertise?
ResponderBorrarThey are advertising their products that they have for sale and with it the opening of their businesses.
☆ Can you identify the adjectives that appear in the ads? make a list with them
1._ New
4._ Last
5._ Cheap
Anayeli Sosa Fenco 5to A
¿Qué anuncian las tiendas?
ResponderBorrarEstán anunciando sus productos a la venta y su inaguración.
¿Puedes identificar los adjetivos en los anuncios?
Sergio Carrasco Velasquez 5"A"
* What are the stores advertising?
ResponderBorrarThey announce different offers on special days, like a store opening.
* Can you identify adjectives that appear in advertisements? Make a list with them
Iván Gonzales Farro 5to "B"
Look at the ad and answer these questions.
ResponderBorrar♦ .- What are advertisements in stores?
Store announcements announce the opening day of their businesses, with offers.
♦ .- Can you identify the adjectives that appear in the ads? Make a list with them.
-more recent
Jesus Jair Velasquez Atencio 5B
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderBorrar1- What are store advertising?
ResponderBorrar-In stores, they announce the opening day of their business, mentioning offers and decreasing the price of their products.
2- Can you identify the Adjectives that appear in the ads? Make a list with them.
Neciosup Incio Aracely 5 “B”
1. What are they Store advertsing?
ResponderBorrarThey advertise their own products and the discounts they will give in their stores.
2. Can You identify abjectives that appear un advertisments?
Estrella Ballena Uceda 5 A
BorrarLook at the advertisement and
ResponderBorraranswer these questions
A. What are the stores advertising?
In the ads, we see how they imply the opening of a store, offers are offered for it.
B. Can you identify adjectives that
appear in advertisements?
-more recent
Agapito Mechan Damaris.
ResponderBorrar-¿what are the stores advertising?
They are the ones that highlight the qualities of your product and that is the motivation of the consumer's purchase.
2.-Can you identify the adjectives that appear in the ads? Make a list with them.
- Special.
- New.
- Old.
- Cheap
- opening day
- desings
1. What are the stores advertising?
ResponderBorrar- The opening of a store offering low-priced products is announced.
2. Can you identify the adjectives that appear in the ads? Make a list with them.
- New
- Old
- Cheapest
- Half price
- Special
5ºA Alexis Edu Ayasta Sanchez
A) What are the stores advertising?.
ResponderBorrarThe stores are announcing their opening, in which they offer offers and discounts on their products.
B ) Can you identify adjectives that appear in advertisements?.
Student:Gonzales Isique Nicole Alexandra,5"B".
What do they advertise in stores?
ResponderBorrar-Selling books at inaugurations
-The sale of all basketball equipment at half price
-The cheapest designs for 24 hours of opening
Can you identify the adjectives that appear in
advertisements? Make a list with them.
Student: Sánchez Ayasta Juan Raúl 5°B
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderBorrar4 "C" Felix Paz Cumpa
ResponderBorrarA. What are the stores asvertising?
They are announcing their inauguration and promotions of their products to motivate the buyer to purchase them.
B. Can you identify adjectives that appear in advertisements? Make a list with them.
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderBorrarJean Franco González Cornejo 5 D
ResponderBorrarWhat do the stores advertise?
They are announcing their products for sale and their inauguration.
Can you identify the adjectives in the ads?
5D Chafloque Lluén Fabricio
ResponderBorrar¿What do the stores advertise?
They are announcing their inauguration through announcements
Daniel Flores Rojas 4A
ResponderBorrarWhat do the stores advertise?
Stores advertise their business opening, including great deals for their customers. They are using good marketing.
Can you identify adjectives that appear in advertisements? Make a list with them
half price
-What are the shops announcing?
ResponderBorrarThe stores advertise openings,offers of the different products they offer.
-can you identify the adjectives that appear in the ads? make a list with them.
*Half price
A. What are the stores advertising?
ResponderBorrarThe opening is announced, with economic prices.
B. Can you identify adjectives that appear in advertisements? Make a list with them.
Look at the advertisement and answer these questions
ResponderBorrarA. What are the stores advertising?
Announce openings, discounts, low prices and inauguration
B. Can you identify adjectives that appear in advertisements? Make a list with them.
Opening today
Opening day bargains
Tiago Adriano Aquino Arevalo 4B
A. What are the stores advertising?
ResponderBorrarAnnounce openings, discounts, low prices and inauguration
B:Can you identify the Adjectives that appear in the ads? Make a list with them.
¿Qué anuncian las tiendas?
ResponderBorrarAnuncian la venta de sus productos y su inauguración.
¿Puedes identificar los adjetivos en los anuncios?
Brillited Gonzales Reluz 4B
A. What are the stores advertising?
ResponderBorraropenings,discounds ,announce
B Can you identify the Adjectives that appear in the ads? Make a list with them.
lesly zuñe uypan 5D
5D Cumpa Rodriguez Brayan
ResponderBorrarWhat do the stores advertise?
They announce product sales and inauguration.
Can you identify the adjectives in the ads?
- It is cheap
- Special
- Ancient
ResponderBorrarA. What are the stores asvertising?
They are advertising their products to motivate the buyer.
B. Can you identify adjectives that appear in advertisements? Make a list with them.
4 "C" Enzo Llontop Guzman
ResponderBorrarA. What do the stores advertise?
They announce the inauguration and new promotions of their products to persuade people to buy them.
B. Can you identify the adjectives that appear in the ads? Make a list with them.
A.What áre the atores advertising?
ResponderBorrarThe áre announicing their opening day in whinch they whinch they make day happy.
B.Can you identify adjetives that appear in advertisent?Make listwith them.
Alumno Luis Kevin Gonzales Ballena 4toA
4° C Briggitte Gonzales Chavesta
ResponderBorrarWhat are store advertising?
They are the ones that highlight the qualities of your product and that is the consumer's purchase motivation.
2.-Can you identify the adjectives that appear in the ads? Make a list with them.
- Look at the price
- Design.
- The cheapest
- Cheap
- opening day
- New
- Old
-What are the shops announcing?
ResponderBorrarThe stores advertise openings,offers of the different products they offer.
-can you identify the adjectives that appear in the ads? make a list with them.
*Half price
Threysi Garnique Uceda 4°B
Piero Gonzales Huamán 4ª
ResponderBorrarWhat are the shops announcing?
They are for customers to have knowledge about the product so they can buy it
ResponderBorrarAdvertising is the action of drawing public attention to a product or service. The way to do this is through advertisements, which can appear in all types of media and supports (newspapers, street advertising, television, internet, radio, etc).
- Cheap
- Special
- Latest
- Cheapest
- New
- Old
4"A" Xiomara Gonzales Custodio
A. What are the stores advertising?
ResponderBorrarThey are announcing their inauguration and promotions of their products to get the attention of their buyers
B. Can you identify the adjectives that appear in the ads? Make a list with them.
4"C" Guillermo Alejandro Vargas Arévalo
What are the shops announcing?
ResponderBorrarThey are for customers to have knowledge about the product so they can buy it
Can you identify the adjectives in the ads?
Karenia Gonzales Huamán 4A
BorrarWhat are the shops announcing?
ResponderBorrarThey are for customers to have knowledge about the product so they can buy it
Can you identify the adjectives in the ads?
Karenia Gonzales Huamán 4A
*David Guzmán Garay 5 C*
ResponderBorrar-What are the stores advertising?
They are announcing the sale prices that they will offer for their opening
-Can you identify the adjectives that appear in the ads? Make a list with them.
Luz Salazar Saucedo 4" C"
ResponderBorrarWhat do the stores advertise?
Stores advertise their business opening, including great deals for their customers. They are using good marketing.
Can you identify adjectives that appear in advertisements? Make a list with them
half price