lunes, 18 de octubre de 2021


 4° ABC

5° A B C D

Write some english sentences as comment in the blog. Use the words in the chart.

47 comentarios:

  1. Phrases: ¡Come buy, we are on a great offter!
    ¡Be happy with a delicious cool tea!
    ¡Go ahead and buy and be happy!
    Student: Neciosup Incio Aracely del Milagro 5 B

    1.-we have super prices, come and save!
    2.-We are going to announce a super offer!
    3.- come pay with super discounts!

  3. phrases:
    1.-Save now! This is how you will take this garment that is on sale.You will not regret it!
    2.-Come and buy this beautiful and creative product I assure you that it will make you happy

    Yordanky Chumioque Llontop 5A

  4. Phrases:
    -I’m going to go buy a beautiful papaya that’s on offer at the market.
    -I’m happy because I’m going to save money by paying with card a delicious ice cream.
    -Ana is very creative in advertising her product offer.
    Eneque Gamarra Anai 5to-B

  5. 1.- With our offer prices you can save much more!
    2.- With our super offers you will be happy!
    3.- Come delight with our delicious cakes.
    4.- In our company, you can pay in cash or with a credit card.
    5.- Let's help sell the students' printed polo shirts, they are beautiful!
    6.- In our company you are the designer of your own polo shirts, come and be creative!
    Patazca Leyton Rosa Alexandra. 5``B´´

  6. Just for you we have great offers
    Take advantage by saving!

    save money buying the beautiful and creative you like

    we sell creative products, come and buy now!

    Lizeth Guiman Liza 5"A"

  7. 1. Sir, madam, buy our delicious strawberry cookies.
    2. Elizabeth sells delicious chocolates.
    3. Martin prefers to pay by credit card.
    4. My dad took advantage of the offer of a new polo shirt.
    Alexis Edu Ayasta Sanchez 5º "A"

  8. -We have offers of heart attack
    -Come buy and get a super offer
    -We are helping our small entrepreneurs to advertise their product
    -Come buy these delicious dishes

    Galan Guzman Jose Valentin 5B

  9. 1.-Folks, come buy the delicious cakes that will keep you happy.

    2.-Save your money, with our products that are on sale.

    3.-Participate in the drawing and painting contest, be creative and original

    Student: Sánchez Ayasta Juan Raúl 5°"B"

  10. •Beautiful, let's get creative to sell the polo shirts like this.

    •With Offer you can buy many things!

    •It is very cold!

    Effio Rodríguez Fátima 5"A"

  11. 1.- We have exclusive offers, you can't miss them!.
    2.- You want to be part of impressive and beautiful stories, you will be very happy, we invite you to our corporation to read our books!.
    3.- We invite you to be part of our publisher, your creativity and talent, as a writer or reader will help us to continue creating more fabulous stories for our books.
    4.-The products of our company, you can pay in cash or by card.
    5.- Without a doubt, this will be the best purchase you can make.
    Student: Gonzáles Isique Nicole Alexandra, 5 "B".

  12. Come and take this product I assure you that it will be to your liking and you will come back for more!

    Purchase! Purchase! Save, don't be left behind, there are only a few left, make sure yours!

    Pedro Casas Capuñay 5A

  13. Kevin Puicon Ayasta 5to A :
    1.! Get creative and pay for your own design!
    2. Try the most delicious, at the best price.
    3.Buy what makes you happy.
    4. To make your shopping happier, pay the right price.

  14. Jesus Jair Velasquez Atencio 5B

    .- Come pay in cash or by credit card for the super offers!
    - With our super offers you can save a lot!
    Go ahead and buy, be happy we have super prices!

  15. 1.Today i buy a new car.
    2.My mom is going to sell a dress.
    3.I have to keep my cell phone.
    4.I want to offer you a raisin tea.
    5.I have to pay for the electricity.
    6.We advertised the position in the local newspaper.

    Miguel Capuñay Túllume 5"A"

  16. 1. Come and enjoy the best offer.
    2. You can save a lot of money with our offers.
    3. He preferred to pay in cash.
    4. You will be happy to hear about our offers.

    Crhistian Yaipén Azabache 5A.

  17. - Come Caserito and buy your chichichita de Jora!
    - Caserito bring your delicious chicha of all flavors.
    - Take your Chicha de peanut to make it happy.

    Alexis Jesus Puican Gonzales "5to" "B"

  18. ACTIVITY 01.-Look at the words and select verbs and
    Buy, sell, pay, advertise, save.
    Happy, delicious, creative, beautiful, delicious.
    ACTIVITY 02:
    Now you can write some sentences using the verbs.
    -Mom forgot to buy food for lunch.
    -Lucas proposed to sell cloth bags.
    -Luciana and Lucia forgot to pay for the ice creams.
    -They sent to announce the strike in the community.
    -We will start saving with the whole family.

  19. 1.come and take advantage of the great offer
    2.come and buy that will make you very happy
    3.we sell very creative products

    lesly zuñe uypan 5D

  20. -Buy now and enjoy the best offers.
    -Save by buying our products.
    -You can pay for your purchase in cash or by card.
    -We offer you creative, beautiful and quality products.
    5°D Nahomi Llontop Ayasta

  21. -Ven aqui vendemos comida deliciosa
    -Come here we sell delicious food
    -Compre nuestas hermosas camisas
    -Buy our beautiful shirts
    -Ahorre comprando nuestro creativos productos en oferta
    -Save by buying our creative products on offer
    Fabricio Chafloque Lluén 5D

  22. 1.Creativity is intelligence having fun.
    2.Do not save what you have left after spending, spend what you have left after saving.
    3.buying only what is necessary and not what is convenient, is knowing how to save. happy with these offers

    Custodio Morales Yolanda 5c

  23. -Buy our products and save.
    -Our offers will make your purchase happy.
    -Only here you can buy quality products.
    -Be happy saving.

    Diego Gonzalez Corrales 5° "C"

  24. * Exclusive offer just for you
    * Get creative and advertise your product
    * come and buy a delicious and beautiful cake
    * take advantage of this great offer, don't miss it
    * be happy buying quality products
    * "Without a doubt, this is the best buy you will make".

    Rosa Esther Capuñay Reluz 4A

  25. Piero Gonzales Huamán 4A
    . I buy the most expensive sound equipment.
    . I pay all the debts that I had.
    . A person made us an offer of the news that is in the place.
    . I sell my products so that my business improves.
    . I save so that I can buy the latest in novelty.
    . They begin to advertise the new clothing brand.

  26. 1. Come and buy one of our best products that are on sale!
    2. I must save if I want to buy what I want
    3. We must always have money to pay for what we buy
    Yarumi Thais Bernal Díaz 4A

  27. The children bought new books.
    The goalkeeper caught the ball.
    The guests have already arrived.
    Xiomara Gonzales Custodio 4"A"

  28. Marycielo Vásquez Castro 5C
    All types of cards are received to pay.
    Exclusive offers just for you.
    Do you want to sell? , your best option to start here.

  29. Briggitte Gonzales Chavesta del 4to C

    *Come and save with our super offers
    *We will be announcing more offers
    *All types of payment are received

    Come and buy our beautiful products.
    Come and enjoy our offers.
    Go and save with our great products.

  31. 4 "C" Felix Paz Cumpa:
    -Just for today buy this beautiful vase at a 40% discount.
    -Save every Sunday 10% discount for cash payments.
    -Great as of Monday any type of payment will be received!

  32. 4C Jahir Cornetero Gonzales
    *come and buy a delecious and beautiful cake!
    *we are going to announce a super affert!
    *We sell creative products,come and buy naw!
    *The guests have already arrived.

    4C Jahir Cornetero Gonzales

  33. jose santos guzman liza 4 c
    1-tenemos super precios ven y ahorra
    2-con nuestra super oferta seras feliz
    3-ahorra tu dinero con nuestros producto que hay rebaja

  34. 1.-ven y aprovecha nuestros descuentos
    2.-te damos la bienvenida a nuestro súper negocio
    3.-ahorra tu dinero con nuestros productos
    vania liza larrea 4c

  35. Rosa González Neciosup 4C
    1.The cafes advertise heir specials on side warlr menú boards
    2.Food Food was delicious

  36. Martha Galan Ballena 4A
    1. This ice cream that I bought is delicious.
    2. Your idea is innovative and creative.
    3. You are happy because your business is growing.

  37. 1-rejoice with a delicious juice
    2-with our super offers you will be happy
    3-come buy we have a great offer
    Enzo llontop guzmán 4to c

  38. *being an entrepreneur means being very creative and innovative.
    *Businesses are well known as they all make creative ads.
    * Turkey meat is widely consumed at Christmas parties.

  39. 1-rejoice with a delicious juice
    2-with our super offers you will be happy
    3-come buy we have a great offer
    Alexander Mimbela Gonzales 2A

  40. Sentences:
    1.-Come and enjoy these delicious offers!
    2.-Happy days, creative offers!
    3.- Happier, paying less!

    5 ° "C" Reny Garnique Gonzales

  41. 1. Este caramelo que compré está sabroso.
    2. Tu idea es creativa.
    3. Estás alegre porque tu negocio está progresando.

  42. * Exclusive offer just for you
    * Get creative and advertise your product
    * come and buy a delicious and beautiful cake
    * take advantage of this great offer, don't miss it
    * be happy buying quality products
    * "Without a doubt, this is the best buy you will make".
    Threysi Garnique Uceda 4°B

  43. 1-This sweet that you invite me is delicious
    2-I am very happy because our sweets were delicious

    4"C" Guillermo Alejandro Vargas Arévalo

  44. 1.- With our offer prices you can save much more!
    2.- With our super offers you will be happy!
    3.- Come delight with our delicious cakes.
    4.- In our company, you can pay in cash or with a credit card.
    5.- Let's help sell the students' printed polo shirts, they are beautiful!
    6.- In our company you are the designer of your own polo shirts, come and be creative!
    7.- Turkey meat is widely consumed at Christmas parties
    Karenia Gonzales Huamán 4A

  45. David Guzmán Garay 5 C

    1.- Come and take advantage of the 50% discount on clothing

    2.- Buy 2 and get 3 !!! Great offer !!!



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